7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Fertility

If you’ve decided that having a baby is the right option for you, it’s an exciting time. You want to get your body in the best shape for your baby or maybe conception is taking longer than you expected. It’s normal for this process to take up to a year for some couples. No matter where you are on your journey to conceive, there are some easy ways to boost your fertility and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. These are 7 easy ways to boost your fertility. 


1. Know When You Ovulate 


5 ways to boost your fertility


Knowing your body or more importantly, when you ovulate is one of the most important pieces to this baby-making puzzle. Ovulation is an important part of your menstrual cycle. It’s a process that occurs when a mature egg is released from your ovary, into your fallopian tube.

The egg stays alive for 12 to 24 hours. This is the time it can be fertilized. If the egg is fertilized by sperm, the egg then travels to the uterus and implants. This becomes a pregnancy. However, if not fertilized, the egg breaks down and the lining sheds. This is your period. (Yes, that crazy and painful time of the month is good for something!)

Sperm can stay in the fallopian tube for up to five days. Therefore, trying to conceive daily during this window is your best chance to get pregnant. Your fertility window is your day of ovulation and the six days before ovulation. Typically a regular menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and ovulation takes place around day 14.

Menstrual cycles can be as short as 21 days or as long as 35 days. So, determining your ovulation can become a little more difficult. However, with a little effort, there are some ways you can take away the guesswork. 

  • Look for the signs of ovulation – Signs include changes in cervical mucus and change in basal body temperature.
  • Ovulation Testing Kits – These easy at-home kits test your LH hormone, which increases 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. 
  • Ovulation Calculator – This free & easy calculator helps predict your ovulation.



2. Avoid Lubricants 



Avoiding lubricants is another easy step to boost your fertility. Most lubricants do not help when trying to conceive a baby. In fact, they negatively affect the quality of sperm. They can make it hard or impossible to conceive because they may impact sperm from swimming. When this occurs, the chances of sperm getting to the egg decrease.

You need a lot of sperm to swim to the egg to have a good chance of fertilization. According to Mayo Clinic, the idea of needing only one sperm to swim to an egg is false. It takes multiple sperm to travel to and work on the egg’s surface for that one sperm to get in and fertilize the egg. 

By avoiding lubricants that are harmful to sperm, you can increase the chances of conception. Also, take note that even saliva can slow sperm movement. You may be reading this with your brow raised wondering what you’re going to use to make the magic happen. To combat dryness you can use a fertility-friendly lubricant. This won’t interfere with sperm quality and motility. A few to try are:



3. Eat More Fiber 



Fiber is a carbohydrate that doesn’t get absorbed or digested. Instead, it travels through your stomach, small intestine, and colon. Then it’s on its way out! If you don’t have those everyday bowel movements (not something we usually talk about) … eat more fiber.

Eating more fiber can easily help boost your fertility by balancing your blood sugar and ridding your body of excess hormones. By consuming fiber you remain regular and your body can dispose of toxins daily. High-fiber foods include popcorn, brown rice, beans, berries, bran cereal, oatmeal, and vegetables. 

If you find you’re still not getting enough fiber, try supplementing. There are many types of fiber supplements including powder, gummies, chewable, and capsules. 


4. Reduce Oxidative Stress 



Oxidative stress is an imbalance in your body. This imbalance occurs when your body produces too many free radicals. Excess free radicals lead to oxidative stress. This type of stress can often lead to many fertility problems such as miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, and preeclampsia.

If you have oxidative stress you may experience symptoms, such as fatigue, memory loss, wrinkles, gray hair, headache, and susceptibility to infections. None of us want to age faster! (Or at least that’s what every anti-aging cream banks on.) Don’t worry though, as there are ways to reduce Oxidative stress. 

Avoid Toxins

Limit your exposure to chemicals and pesticides including parabens, phthalates, and bisphenol-A. Instead, try using eco-friendly cleaning products, and bug sprays, and eat organic when you can. This helps you be healthier and avoid putting extra stress on your body.

Non-toxic Alternatives


Limit Stress

Believe it or not, stress will also increase your free radicals. It’s so important to take care of your mental health! Try avoiding things that you find mentally taxing. For things you can’t avoid, find ways to reduce the effects of stress. Sharing hugs, venting to a friend, deep breathing, meditation and exercise are some great ways to release some stress. 

 Many additional factors lead to oxidative stress. Aging, drinking too much caffeine, obesity, low exercise, imbalanced insulin levels, poor nutrition, using cellphone & resting it near your reproductive organs. 



5. Boost Your Antioxidants



How to get pregnant faster? Try antioxidants! They help increase fertility in men and women. They can help reduce free radicals, which damage sperm and egg cells. This will help decrease oxidative stress (which is #4). Eating foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains that are packed with antioxidants may increase fertility.

Supplementing is also a great way to increase your intake of antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that increases egg quality. In human trials, it showed increased ovarian follicles and ovulation. Additional antioxidants that may improve your fertility are zinc, folate, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.


6. Maintain a Healthy Weight 



Being at a healthy weight is so important because your weight directly affects your hormonal regulation. You being underweight can make your periods irregular, causing conception to be difficult. If you manage to get pregnant, your baby has the risk of being preterm and having a low birth weight. If you’re overweight, it can cause irregular periods or stop you from ovulating. Therefore, getting to or maintaining a healthy weight is a simple way to boost your fertility.



7. Check Your Medicine



If you take medications or supplements check with your doctor to make sure they won’t affect your fertility and that they’re healthy for the baby you’re trying to make. Some medications decrease fertility and some may cause birth defects. Often medicine to treat seizures, thyroid disorders, or psychiatric disorders will negatively affect your fertility. Also, be cautious of medications that alter your hormones. Check out this list of medications.

Keep in mind that medicine from your doctor isn’t the only medicine that can negatively affect your fertility. Herbs are powerful and some can be harmful to your fertility. A few include Ginkgo Biloba, Echinacea, and St. John’s Wort.


These easy ways to boost fertility can be a great starting point for your fertility journey. Remember that it’s normal for conception to take up to one year. However, after 30, most women will experience a natural decline in fertility. In this case, waiting a year isn’t necessary. You should only wait a few months before seeking help from your doctor.

Don’t leave without learning more about the vitamins you need for a healthy pregnancy.



    1. Always lovin' Mama

      May 23, 2022 at 4:41 pm


    2. Renea Linsom

      May 30, 2022 at 9:42 am

      Great blog. I’m glad that I’ve been working out consistently and eating more veggies. Will definitely work on the stress levels. Love this!

  1. Alexa

    May 17, 2022 at 2:21 am

    Oh wow, I didn’t know this about lubricants. Interesting fun fact. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Always lovin' Mama

      May 23, 2022 at 4:41 pm

      You’re welcome!

  2. Jennifer

    May 20, 2022 at 11:53 am

    Lots of great tips here for women looking to get pregnant! The best thing to do IMO is to reduce stress. Stress can throw hormones totally out of whack.

    1. Always lovin' Mama

      May 23, 2022 at 4:44 pm

      Yes, stress play a big part in our wellness.

  3. Jenn

    May 20, 2022 at 6:02 pm

    I didn’t know the tip about not using lubricants – great information here on helping increase your fertility!

    1. Always lovin' Mama

      May 23, 2022 at 4:40 pm

      Thanks! 🙂

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