What to pack in hospital bag for delivery

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for Labor & Delivery

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

You’re close to delivery and you’re wondering…what to pack in your hospital bag? First…Congratulations, I know it’s an exciting time! Your newborn is almost here and life is starting to get more hectic. Having your hospital bag ready to go takes off some stress and you’ll feel more prepared. Let me start by saying that hospitals provide most of what you need for your stay and delivery. Not to say that the things you bring may not be more luxurious or user-friendly, but they have all the basics covered.

Remember that your insurance is paying for most of this and you’re probably paying some of it out-of-pocket. So make sure you don’t buy things already given to you by the hospital. My hospital provided large pads, disposable underwear, perennial ice packs, a sitz bath, and a peri bottle. That being said, there are some things you will need to pack to be comfortable. Please keep in mind everyone’s hospital stay is different and what each hospital provides may vary. If you really want to know, you can ask your OBGYN/midwife or call the hospital you will deliver in. Most hospitals offer tours, which is also a good time to ask. 

My hospital stay was less than two full days and I packed my bags based on some online advice. Most likely some YouTube videos I watched at the time. For me, it was way too much stuff to bring. In fact, I couldn’t even keep my things with me until after delivery because the hospital simply didn’t have space for it. Can you say embarrassing? 

Hospital Bag for Delivery

If you don’t already have one, the first thing you need to do is find a medium-sized duffle bag or small suitcase to pack your items in. You don’t need anything too big, but big enough to carry all your necessities.

Hospital bag hospital bag
Hospital bagHospital bag

What Not to Bring to the Hospital

Before getting into what to bring…let’s talk about what not to bring to the hospital. Try your best not to bring expensive items or large amounts of money with you for delivery. The hospital is not responsible if your possessions go missing, so don’t bring anything that isn’t replaceable. If something is very expensive, I would recommend leaving it at home. This may include your wedding ring or other expensive jewelry, electronics, photos, etc. Also, remind anyone accompanying you to the hospital to do the same. Also refrain from bringing large things, because there will likely be nowhere to store them. 


Entertainment for Your Hospital Stay

Aside from television, most hospitals don’t provide any type of entertainment. I found while I was there the tv was little help to occupy me. Before the baby, I was not interested in doing anything because of pain & fatigue. Afterward, I was just so happy to be with my son & still recovering that I was not interested in doing anything else. However, if you are there for a longer stay, you may be in real need of entertainment. I recommend packing a few of these just in case you have a long stay and get bored. 


Some ideas for hospital entertainment include:

1. Phone & extra long charger – This is a must-have for contacting your family and taking pictures & videos of your newborn! 

2. Tablet & Charger – If you are not into your cellphone, a tablet is a great option. You can load up on some kindle books, videos, and music. Most hospitals will have free Wi-Fi for you to use.

3. Playing Cards – Inexpensive and compact to bring with you if you enjoy card games. 

4. Adult Coloring & Coloring Pencils – These tend to help relieve stress and allow you to focus on your coloring rather than other things. It’s worth a try for stressful or boring intervals at the hospital. 


5. Miniature Board Games – Perfect option for board game lovers. The miniature size makes it easy to store in your hospital bag. 



Toiletries for Your Hospital Stay

Toiletries are important for your stay. Pack, what you normally use in the morning, but pack travel size, so you have space for them. Toiletries to pack: deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, lip balm, hair care, hairbrush, and a hair tie. Feel free to pack makeup, if you want to wear it in your photos or on your way home. I recommend bringing your own washcloth and towel. If you wear contacts, bring a case and solution.

This 17-piece travel set is what I used. It was great! Nothing leaked and I had more than enough bottles to pack my toiletries.


Clothing for Your Hospital Stay

Clothing is essential for your hospital bag. You will need clothing for mama, dad & the new baby. For mama, at the very least pack an outfit for going home and easy on shoes or slippers. Make sure your clothing choice is comfortable and loose because you may be very sore or have some pain after delivery. I only changed my clothes once, which is when I left the hospital to go home.

Clothing ideas I recommend for moms: t-shirt dress or loose sweatpants & top. Yoga pants are a good idea as long as they are not tight on your stomach. Remember after delivery you may be a little smaller but you may still need large or maternity type pants. 

I know some women enjoy buying their delivery gowns. While these are cute, I don’t recommend them. It can be expensive and if you used it during delivery it’s likely trash. I bought one for the hospital, but also did not use it. If you get one, I recommend something for momma & baby that you can use once delivery is over and can be worn more than once.


Bring a baby outfit or two. One for pictures and one for going home. For going home I recommend a hat and sleeper pajamas. This helps keep your baby warm in any season. It’s their first time being outdoors (or indoors for that matter) and babies are use to their 9-month home. In your stomach, they were in a nice warm cocoon all the time. Bring a warm blanket to put over your baby’s arms and legs in their car seat. Pick clothing also based on weather. Winter babies will need more to stay warm.  Remember nightgowns or swaddles will not be useful once your baby is put into the car seat.

 Lightweight Muslin Blanket – a great option for spring or summer.

Double Layer Flannel & Sherpa Blanket – perfect for colder climates.



Winter Car Seat Cover for cold winter climates.


Other Baby Stuff for the Hospital

I recommend bringing along a newborn pacifier & newborn skincare. Most hospitals provide diapers, wipes, and formula. Please check with your hospital if you want to be sure. If you want a special wipe, diaper, or formula you may still have to bring it. At my hospital, they had pamper brand wipes and diapers. They offered a few different formulas. Don’t forget your infant car seat. You will need one to take your baby home from the hospital.


Postpartum Recovery Care Essentials

Pillow & blanket – the hospital will offer you both, but they aren’t plentiful and they aren’t the ones you are use to at your house. They are thin and sometimes scratchy. The best thing you can do for your recovery is take care of yourself and being comfortable is an important part of getting adequate rest. 

Always Boutique Panties are easy to use and much more comfortable than the hospital pads. I would recommend throwing three/four of these in your hospital bag in case you need them. You will mostly only need these the the first couple of days. 


Heating Pad – I didn’t bring mine, but I wish I would’ve. My stomach and back hurt a lot and I had to keep asking for heating packs. Thankfully, they had something, but it was the type you warm up and it gets cooler over time. This was not as nice or as warm as an electric heating pad. This would have helped me a lot. If you don’t take it to the hospital, you can use it at home during recovery.

Dermaplast – My hospital did not give this spray, but it was a lifesaver. This was quick to help with pain afterward. I still use it now for cuts, scrapes, etc. It has become one of my favorite emergency kit items. 


Pack a few snacks & electrolyte drinks like Powerade or Gatorade. The electrolyte drinks can help in your recovery. To save space in your bag, try electrolyte mix.

Everyone’s needs may vary when it comes to packing your bag for labor and delivery. I hope this list helped you find some of what you need to pack in your hospital bag.

Make sure to bring your ID, insurance card, and birth plan, if you have one. These are all necessities that you’ll likely need at some point during your hospital stay.


Please leave a comment if this article helped you! What item would pack in your hospital bag?

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  1. Rachel

    December 17, 2021 at 1:16 pm

    I love your suggestions for entertainment! I didn’t bring anything like that with me to the hospital, and there were certainly moments when I wish I would have.

    1. Always lovin' Mama

      December 20, 2021 at 11:02 am

      At times it can really help. Thanks.

  2. Prerna

    January 14, 2022 at 11:05 am

    That’s a very good list for a new mom. I couldn’t carry any of those as I was very tensed with twin delivery. I should have followed these tips to relax myself.

    1. Always lovin' Mama

      January 19, 2022 at 11:41 am

      Thanks! 🙂

  3. Nickki

    February 21, 2022 at 1:50 pm

    I wish I would have thought of the adult coloring book! Thats genius. Great list of hospital must haves! Thank you.

    1. Always lovin' Mama

      February 22, 2022 at 11:00 am

      You’re welcome. 🙂

  4. Rachael

    April 7, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    Great list of suggestions. Currently need to pack my hospital bag with baby #3 and need to remember some of these. My favorite thing I added for baby two was an amazon prime stick…allowed us to get some good snuggles and tv time in!

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